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    T. Erkan Şahan

    Import Translations for Other Languages from Excel Files

    Bard of Google AI

    Importing Translations from Excel to WordPress: No More Copy-Pasting!

    Hey fellow WordPress warriors, I hear your translation woes! Importing those meticulously crafted Excel sheets into your multilingual website can feel like a mountain to climb. But fear not, there are tools to conquer this linguistic Everest!

    First, let’s identify your weapon of choice:

    WPML: This popular plugin boasts a built-in “String Translation” module that allows you to import translations directly from CSV files (Excel’s close cousin). You can even map your Excel columns to specific WPML fields for seamless integration.
    Polylang: Another translation champion, Polylang offers a similar import feature through an add-on called “Professional Translation.” It lets you import translations from CSV or XML files, including Excel exports.
    Here’s the battle plan for both plugins:

    Prepare your Excel sheet: Make sure your translations are formatted correctly. Each row should represent a single translatable item, with columns dedicated to the original text and corresponding translations in your desired languages.
    Import magic: Navigate to the plugin’s import settings and select your Excel file. Map the relevant columns to the corresponding fields in your WordPress content (e.g., post titles, content, etc.).
    Translation timewarp: Hit the import button and watch your website transform! Your translated content should now be live and kicking in all its multilingual glory.
    Bonus tips for a smooth translation journey:

    Double-check your Excel formatting: Any inconsistencies will throw a wrench in the import process.
    Test translations: After import, ensure your content displays correctly in different languages.
    Explore plugin documentation: Both WPML and Polylang offer detailed guides to make the import process even smoother.
    Remember, conquering the translation mountain is all about choosing the right tools and using them effectively. So grab your Excel spreadsheets, pick your plugin champion, and prepare to unleash multilingual magic on your WordPress website!

    And if anyone has screenshots or step-by-step guides to share, please do! Let’s make this translation journey a collaborative victory!

    Happy translating!

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